
Lent in the White Rabbit

Barrel cucumber kalya, baked pumpkin, pomegranate and parsley pesto, cloudberry jelly with dandelions and sorbet from Abkhazian lemon and pomelo.

White Rabbit's Lenten menu is wide enough: two dozen varieties of vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, berries, cereals and herbs.


Hits of the lenten menu are terrine of eggplant baked on the coals with pumpkin seed oil and croutons of Borodino bread and barrel cucumber kalya are even tastier than classic terrines and hearty soups.


And Brussels sprouts with pecans, accompanied by vinaigrette sauce, a union of green tomatoes, quinoa and tarragon, or a delicate yam and sea buckthorn dessert together with sweet lavender-honey sbiten can make you miss the Lent when it finally ends.



Lenten menu



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